Role: Director, Editor.
Description: This is a personal piece of a Buick commercial that I had the privilege to shoot with some of my classmates.
Role: Director, Producer, Editor.
Description: This is a commercial for a coffee brewing company. The video's purpose is to provide insight of how the beverage helps the individual have energy through a day of work.
Role: Director, Produce, Editor.
Description: This is a commercial for David DelaGardelle. He is a well know blade-smith in Anderson, IN. He was made swords for the movie Thor, as well as one for Post Malone. The purpose of this video is to give a quick glimpse of what David does and invite his viewers to join his program.
Role: Director, Producer, Editor.
Description: This is a commercial for LyfQuest and their new application. The video's purpose is to provide insight of how the application looks from the inside, while also displaying how quickly it communicates with its users. In addition, this video was intentionally made short with very few details in order to cause the viewers to be intrigued by the application and look into LyfQuest's website.